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                Hello! Welcome to the official website of Dongguan Sanhe Machinery Co., Ltd!

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                Talent concept

                Talents are the value of a company, an important component of its core competitiveness, and the primary driving force for achieving scientific development of the company. Our talent philosophy is "respect, hard work, growth, and win-win".

                Respect:We provide employees with an inclusive and competitive work environment, respect their personalized demands, value outstanding individuals, cultivate potential, and care for employees who have experienced hardships and are loyal to the company.

                Practical:We appreciate employees who are down-to-earth, hardworking, and have achieved tangible results. We encourage employees who discover problems and offer suggestions, and recognize employees who are brave enough to innovate and put them into practice.

                Growth:We plan challenging work for our employees, providing a dual track development channel that combines professional and management sequences, encouraging employees to constantly surpass themselves, and enabling various talents to be suitable, timely, and fully utilized.

                Win win:We advocate a win-win concept of sharing business results, motivating the advanced and motivating the backward, creating a win-win situation for individuals, companies, shareholders, and society, and achieving harmonious development between individuals and organizations.

                Sanhe Machinery is willing to work together with all ambitious individuals to achieve the beauty of the blueprint.

                Join us
                Service hotline:
                Contact Us
                Dongguan Sanhe Machinery Co., Ltd
                Contact person: Mr. Wu
                Mobile phone: 13929243619 13527952855
                Phone: 0769-82872718
                Fax: 0769-82871798
                Address: Dafudi Industrial Zone, Gangtou, Shilongkeng, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City
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                Copyright ? 2023 Dongguan Sanhe Machinery Co., Ltd. 粤ICP备17162859号